viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

Diary entry- Flor Salas

Saturday, 27 September

Dear Diary,
Today I went out with a boy. His name is Drake and he's just perfect! He's my friend's new stepbrother.
We shared the whole afternoon together. While we were walking through the park he smiled at me in a special way more than once, in those moments I thought my heart could fly!
We talked about many things like 'family, music and films', then I realized we had a lot in common, and I've got a feeling we'll be so much more than friends!
In the end of the afternoon we decided that we should see each other again, so he asked me to go on a second date with him.
I wonder if I should tell him how I feel. Wouldn't it scare him away?
Well, however, only one thing is clear in my head, I can't get him off my mind and it scares me because I've never felt this way!
Oh dear diary, I can't wait to see Drake again!


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