martes, 3 de junio de 2008

diary entry- akemi

In a party, I dont know why, but, I didnt feel so good as (gr) always (voc). I was sad, I dont remember why.
I was seat (voc/gr) in (gr) a chair, while my friends were dancing. When a friend, Andres, asked me to dance. I didnt want to, but I said yes. When I was with him I started to feel better.
The next day, when I was coming back from school, I met him. I dont know the reason ^, but I felt so happy when I saw him again. He walked me home.
All these happened a month ago. Since that moment, he always walks me home, and some days ^ meet on (gr) the afternoon.
Yesterday, when I was coming back from school, he took my hand. I saw him, and his face was red. I felted (gr) some unconfortable(sp) things in my stomach.
Today, I didnt see him. I felted (gr) so alone. What is happening with me? and what about him?, why did he turned so red that day? I'm so confused!

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