martes, 24 de junio de 2008
Diary Entry - Enrique
Dear diary:
Yesterday it was very cold and had a 15 birthday party. But I hadn’t a sweter to wear. So I ask my mother if my father, that was in a trip, had a sweter. But they were very big for me. So in that moment I said to my mother “see if you had bought me a sweter the other week I’ll has to go now”. Then I was very angry and mom don’t leave myself to go because of that. But I went because I was very angry. It was very cold. When I arrived to Fede’s house he gave to me one sweter, I was lucky. But today on the dinner my sister knew that I went, so she say to e how the birthday was. I want to kill my sister. But my mother doesn’t say anything, I was surprised.
domingo, 22 de junio de 2008
diary entry - juanpablo
Dear Diary,Today I am writing to tell you something about my life. Last weekend I had a fifteen's party in Guarani Hotel. It was fun. They are many friends in the party, also people that I had never seen in my life who I danced with. The next day I woke up early and I spended the morning running to the "Costanera". Then I went to my house to eat a hamburger because it was my grandmum's birthday, there I met all my family. After that my best friend called to me to play a football match in "Danper", but I was sick so I couldn't go to play with him. Well, this is the last week, after I am write again.
martes, 17 de junio de 2008
diary entry- Larita
Today, a day after my 15th birthday, I want to tell you that all the party was like a dream, all was perfect. It was 12 o’clock, and I was getting in with my father and with my beautiful, white dress.. All muy friends were there, looking ^ me. It was very emotional.
I danced all the (iw) night, with my gest (sp/gr), my family and all the people that were there.
Today, I think.. all that preparation, and now all (gr) is something that happened and (iw) very fast, so I’m not very happy in that way, but that night, now and for ever is (gr) the best , an unforgettable memory!
I’ (gr) very happy, I resived (sp) a lot of presents..
domingo, 15 de junio de 2008
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Now, your job is to click on EDITAR ENTRADAS and then with the help of the Correction Code, correct your mistakes.
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ENRIQUE: You didn't post your Diary Entry.
ALAN: You didn't write the Diary Entry.
martes, 10 de junio de 2008
Diary entry - Lucree
Yesterday I went to a friend’s birthday party with my friends.
There I have (gr) a lot of fun! I spend (gr) all night with a friend...God! He is (gr) perfect!
I already (iw) met him ^ one of my friends introduce (gr) us. His name is Jack, I met him a couple weekends before (voc). I gave him my telephone-number so he said he can (gr) call me. Yesterday, HE CALLS (gr) ME! We went out. We went, first, to the cinema, and then we went to the park. There we talk (gr) for hours, we talk (gr) about everything, like friends, family…you know…
I’m so happy! We have so much in common! Except for one thing, well, for two things…his friends and the girls…the problem with his friends it’s (gr)that they are really stupid, and with the girls it’s really difficult because all the girls are behind (voc) him. He is a really handsome boy.
So yesterday we have (gr) a great time. He said he’s (gr) gonna call me again one of those (gr) days! I can’t wait! I hope we could be more than friends…
lunes, 9 de junio de 2008
Diary entry - Flor.B =)
Dear diary,
Today, was a wonderful day and now I'm very happy. Pablo called me to go to the cinema, there he took my hand. Then we went to the riverside to walk, it was very sweet. Later, my mother called me, so he went with me to my house. When we were going he asked me if I liked Pedro, and I answer no but I didn't have the courage to say that I loved him. Suddenly, I notice that he get sad, so I took the necessary courage and I said him that I loved him. I stayed very nervous because he didn't say anything to me but suddenly he told me that I was the love of his life and he kissed me.
When we were outside of my house I was waiting him to ask me to be his girlfriend but he didn't say anything, he only said that we couldn't be boyfriend and girlfriend because his friend wanted me. But that didn't make me sad or dissapointed me because I know that he want me, I was everything for me.
diary entry-juan ojeda
Dear diary;
Yesterday was a horrible day that all is (gr) wrong.
When I got up my mother started shouting because of my little brother.when I got up she started shouting ^ me with (gr) no reason.
Then, my little brother shouted all day and I have (gr) to play with him, because my mother was preparing dinner for today, my grandmother was helping my mother and my other brother was watching television as the king of scotland.
Last night when my little brother slept (gr), I was going to a party, but my mother said that I was dressed like a gothic person,and I only have (gr) a black shirt. I could not go to the party yesterday so , I kicked all (gr) that I found in my way.
What ^ horrible day, Don´t you think so?
domingo, 8 de junio de 2008
Diary entry by Fedelopezz
Dear Diary
This is (gr) a wonderful day, i have (gr) good marks in math anda (sp) i saw my favourite program (sp), but on (iw) saturday is (gr) not a good day. I had a fifteen year's (voc)party and on friday my mum punished me because i had low marks in english, and when i'm (gr) in (gr) the door to go to fernando's house, my dad call (gr) me, anda (sp) ^ said that ^ don't (gr) give me permission ^^, so i went to my bedroom to sleep. But all my friends went to fernando's house so i cant (gr) lose (gr) ^.
So i escape (gr) for (gr) the window and i put my wilows (voc/sp) under the coat (voc).
Then i jump (gr) to the street and i went to thw (sp) party.
Finally, i come (gr) back to my (iw) home and enter (gr) for (gr)the window again y (???) my mum doesn't (gr) notes (voc/gr) anything.
Diary Entry: Fede Aquino
I wore a white shirt with squares, and a black suit. There were (gr) a lot of people there, the music was perfect, the food delicious, we were all having fun. I noticed that there were some strange lights, also. Then, they (who?) told me that there (gr) were (gr) brought from France.
The family of this girl is really rich!. Cell phones, shirts, bags and CD's were given AS SOUVENIRS!. A band and a magician performed, too. I can't explain how surprised I was when the magician disappeared a little girl in front of my eyes! what a great trick. But more surprised I was when I saw Eduardo and the rest of Eclip'c's band members. They sang for an hour, and we were all crazy.
The perfect night was complete when I was with her (either you write the name or you use quotation marks). She appeared suddenly and sat at my side, we talk (gr) for a long time and dance (gr) together. Now, we usually talk every day, and that’s why I’m so happy. I promise ^ writing (gr) more news soon.
Diary entry by Santi Cadenas
Yesterday was a great day for me, because we won the URNE tournament. The last match was in Aranduroga court versus Cune.
The match was amazing, the first 40 minutes was(gr) the hardest and longest of my life. Cune started winning 10 to 0, but in the 37 minute the fly half scored a try so the first period finished 10 to 7. cune won.
the seconds (gr) period started so we had 40 minute to change the game, the time passed and we coudn't score but the team of cune was very tired, in the minute 75 the fly half throwed (gr) the ball to me and i broke a tackle and run (gr) to the ingoal of cun (sp), the fullback coudn't catch me so i scored a try and my team won the tournament. it was the best day of my life
Diary Entry
Yesterday was a great day for me. I went to Joaquin's house and we have (gr) a lot of fun, there with Facu, Fede, Henry and Joauin (sp) ofcourse (sp) we ate some pizzas and we drank some Cocas (voc).
We have (gr) a lot of fun playing the playstation, as always (gr) I won all the games. If you don't trust me ask Fede. Our match end (gr) up 7-1.
Then Rafa arrived so we played Monopoli and Poker until 10 A.M!! Henry was so exicted (sp) because he ^ never won and that nigth (sp) he did it! could (gr) you belive (sp) it?
Later we went to buyed (gr) some ice-cream from "La Terraza", there the ice-cream is very tasty but a bit expensive. Then we went to Henry's house because It was his birthday and we ate a lot of chocolate cake.
Diary entry by Juan Pablo
Dear Diary,
Today i am writing to tell you something about my life. Last weekend i had a fifteen's party (voc) in Guarani Hotel. It was fun. They (gr) were many friends in the party, also people that i have (gr) never seen in my life who i danced with. The next day i woke up early and i spended (gr) my morning running ^ the "Costanera". Then i went to my house to eat a hamburger because it was my grandmum's birthday, there i met all my family. After that my best friend called to me to play a football match in "Danper", but i was sick so i couldn't go to play with him. Well, this is (gr) last week, after (gr) i ^ write again.
Chungo Point

- Juan Miguel has a plaster. He might have hurt his hand playing football
- Mauro and Gabo have glasses. It must have been a sunny day
- They are all happy. They must be having fun
- Neus is wearing a uniform. They may be in the school
- They look like friends. they can't be bad persons
Diary entry: Agustina Escobar
Dear diary
Last weekend was AMAZING!. On Friday, I went to ''Paso de la Patria'' in the evening with my cousins. We arrived at night, so we thought that we were going to have dinner and then maybe we would fall sleep because we were very tired.
Suddenly, my young cousin appeared with a boardgame called ''Twister'' so we had fun with this.
Then we started to play with cards and when we finished I realised that it was 7:00 o'clock. I fell a sleep for about 5 hours and then, when I woke up we went to the beach, we played volleyball, football and many more sports.
I came back on Saturday at 9:00pm, I was very tired but I went to two fifteen birthday parties and I enjoyed those very much. I came back to my house at 7:00 am, I fell a sleep but at 10:00 am my mother woke me up to go to Paso de la Patria again.
Although I was very tired, I was excited to travel there because I was sure that we could have a great time. It was a wonderful weekend and I hope that the next will be better.
Photo in Paso de la Patria with my cousins:)
Diary entry - Neus Tosi
Dear Diary,
It is difficult for me to explain with words my feelings but I will try to do that. This year was a bit strange to me. My friends have changed and they are not the same. My mother is different, too. She complain to (gr) me all the time and she doesn't hear me when I try to talk with her. My father doesn't live in my house so I don't see him a lot. Sometimes I miss my old life, when I was just a child and all seemed to be very easy. I didn't have problems and everything was OK, but I have to accept that I have grown up.
sábado, 7 de junio de 2008
Diary Entry-Facu
14th June
What a wonderful Saturday! I can’t say that it was the best, but it was really close. Now, all that I want to do is sleep.
It started with a paddle match with my friends. Although we had to get up early to go to the paddle court (9:oo AM), we had a lot of fun. I was very tired after it, so I managed to sleep a bit.
I got up at 4, and as I saw that the weather was wonderful, I went to play a rugby match with other friends. I didn’t want to play rugby a lot, but we had a lot of fun too, and, obviously, I was more tired after that.
I went home to try to sleep a little more, but I couldn’t. I was nervous, because that night was one of the best 15’s birthday parties I ever had in all my life. I put on my best shirt and bowtie, and I was ready to dance all night! All there was fantastic, the food was terrific, there were a lot of people I knew, and the DJ was really cool.
In conclusion, I enjoyed a lot this Saturday, but now all that I want to do is to sit back and sleep a LOT.
Oh no! I almost forgot it; on Saturday was Enrique’s birthday. So happy birthday to you, I hope that you’ve enjoyed as well as me! Hahaha.
Facuu Avila.
viernes, 6 de junio de 2008
Diary entry- Flor Salas
Dear Diary,
Today I went out with a boy. His name is Drake and he's just perfect! He's my friend's new stepbrother.
We shared the whole afternoon together. While we were walking through the park he smiled at me in a special way more than once, in those moments I thought my heart could fly!
We talked about many things like 'family, music and films', then I realized we had a lot in common, and I've got a feeling we'll be so much more than friends!
In the end of the afternoon we decided that we should see each other again, so he asked me to go on a second date with him.
I wonder if I should tell him how I feel. Wouldn't it scare him away?
Well, however, only one thing is clear in my head, I can't get him off my mind and it scares me because I've never felt this way!
Oh dear diary, I can't wait to see Drake again!
martes, 3 de junio de 2008
diary entry- akemi
In a party, I dont know why, but, I didnt feel so good as (gr) always (voc). I was sad, I dont remember why.
I was seat (voc/gr) in (gr) a chair, while my friends were dancing. When a friend, Andres, asked me to dance. I didnt want to, but I said yes. When I was with him I started to feel better.
The next day, when I was coming back from school, I met him. I dont know the reason ^, but I felt so happy when I saw him again. He walked me home.
All these happened a month ago. Since that moment, he always walks me home, and some days ^ meet on (gr) the afternoon.
Yesterday, when I was coming back from school, he took my hand. I saw him, and his face was red. I felted (gr) some unconfortable(sp) things in my stomach.
Today, I didnt see him. I felted (gr) so alone. What is happening with me? and what about him?, why did he turned so red that day? I'm so confused!
Diary Entry/ Agus GF
Wow! i (gr) was a wonderful day yesterday. First , one of my best friends came home and spent the night there (gr). At 10 am in the morning we wento (sp) to Aranduroga's Club to play hockey against TRC. The good news is that we won

At night we returned home and we spent the night by the riverside.
Today my mom sent me to my uncle's house. At 3 pm I went to jog beside the river in the Costanera Aveneu (sp). Excepting (gr) for my discussions (voc) with my mom, the days were spectacular. I had a really nice time with my friend and with my family.
Sunday 8, June 2008
Wow! yesterday was a wonderful day. First , one of my best friends came home and spent the night with me. At 10 am in the morning we went to Aranduroga's Club to play hockey against TRC. The good news is that we won , and so my friend and I decided to stay at the club to watch the rugby game. At night we returned home and we spent the night by the riverside. Today my mom sent me to my uncle's house. At 3 pm I went to jog beside the river in the Costanera Avenue. Exempted for discuss with my mom, the days were spectacular. I had a really nice time with my friend and with my family.
Aguus Gómez de la Fuente